1 | doras.vn (74261350) | 162 🥇 |
2 | kaname (14567203) | 146 🥈 |
3 | Zen (16073245) | 133 🥉 |
4 | TTTH (60715234) | 128 🎖️ |
5 | NeroK (21037645) | 121 |
6 | chubeBinh (04316572) | 106 |
7 | hk6420 (45612703) | 102 |
8 | kinsi (17042635) | 100 |
9 | Barou Shouei (15342706) | 99 |
10 | YGD_Caogia (20514673) | 95 |
11 | Triều Hân (72350164) | 94 |
12 | Kara (60125473) | 91 |
13 | 99Luftballon (35714260) | 91 |
14 | Rias (01234657) | 90 |
15 | breh (20734561) | 88 |
16 | MorningStar (61027345) | 82 |
17 | L1nk deck (34675012) | 80 |
18 | Dinhchien (23615704) | 74 |
19 | Irefylf (23514067) | 72 |
20 | Witchcrafter (56702314) | 71 |
21 | Sinon (01475326) | 71 |
22 | Harith (57642013) | 71 |
23 | Ruler (16425037) | 67 |
24 | Tiểu Tinh Vệ (47130265) | 64 |
25 | F a i r y (50172643) | 60 |
26 | TOMO (23046517) | 60 |
27 | Nhất (63572041) | 59 |
28 | Loli Slayer (02473561) | 56 |
29 | quoctuan2003 (57034162) | 54 |
30 | <AZUMI> (25014367) | 53 |
31 | kiritow (50362147) | 53 |
32 | gphno (70246153) | 52 |
33 | AlexNVP (51742036) | 50 |
34 | Tan (71243560) | 48 |
35 | Arisecock (12354670) | 48 |
36 | trandh1602 (53671240) | 48 |
37 | zhack (63241057) | 46 |
38 | TraSuaBank (26354017) | 45 |
39 | QuyCute:3 (32406175) | 43 |
40 | Đình chiến (16034572) | 43 |
41 | Hiruma (10736425) | 42 |
42 | Mes (76304125) | 41 |
43 | Búa liềm (74561320) | 41 |
44 | 2cm (76241503) | 41 |
45 | TOMO (61723054) | 38 |
46 | JeromeFandor (57023146) | 37 |
47 | KAT (76230154) | 37 |
48 | Scorpius (43051267) | 35 |
49 | Kali (26431705) | 34 |
50 | Number02 (70142563) | 34 |
51 | YLX SupDragZ (67235140) | 33 |
52 | Răng (41623570) | 32 |
53 | Luciely (56074123) | 32 |
54 | Shiraori (27305416) | 31 |
55 | mekkhunt (23170546) | 30 |
56 | Arata WTD (25601374) | 30 |
57 | SomaCruz (57234016) | 29 |
58 | Galaxy (46752013) | 28 |
59 | Riumheart (42750613) | 28 |
60 | Hana (01346752) | 27 |
61 | Kaito (26410357) | 27 |
62 | CTM (14260537) | 26 |
63 | V-Legend (23057614) | 26 |
64 | no face (24503671) | 26 |
65 | Ngannn (30261547) | 25 |
66 | Asahi (72140356) | 24 |
67 | steve100 (50642371) | 24 |
68 | vhtien0246 (70124365) | 23 |
69 | Zex Zhigang (01627435) | 23 |
70 | Meotum (25647130) | 23 |
71 | Zozozoe (16720345) | 23 |
72 | PerryNonNớt (24035761) | 23 |
73 | Nanoda (06432571) | 21 |
74 | lamia (52730146) | 21 |
75 | YGD Phú Quý (Pu-Qi-Oh) (75062314) | 21 |
76 | Rinn (40637251) | 19 |
77 | RenTi | KiTe (70564231) | 19 |
78 | Nokotan (03512647) | 19 |
79 | Eva 01 (71543062) | 19 |
80 | Kay YGO (63457210) | 19 |
81 | Futai2902 (14720356) | 18 |
82 | TheWang (20567134) | 18 |
83 | Huysin (67245031) | 18 |
84 | Kyh (43057126) | 18 |
85 | Miyunari (35672041) | 18 |
86 | Lamlee (26741305) | 18 |
87 | Vietthang (13254067) | 18 |
88 | de Perry (27451603) | 18 |
89 | YGD_Girsu (13502764) | 17 |
90 | hiyori (04523617) | 17 |
91 | Brum (12647053) | 17 |
92 | hadimsc (31267045) | 16 |
93 | Zexall2000 (34560721) | 16 |
94 | Ruka (26347015) | 16 |
95 | khánh ctv (26413057) | 15 |
96 | USS Sandy (75301264) | 15 |
97 | GenBTye (10746352) | 15 |
98 | Mahatum (12645307) | 15 |
99 | Tlinhhh (25601347) | 15 |
100 | Nhi (10642573) | 15 |
Archetypes that doras.vn (74261350) used
Archetypes that NeroK (21037645) used
Archetypes that hk6420 (45612703) used
Archetypes that Triều Hân (72350164) used
Archetypes that breh (20734561) used
Archetypes that Dinhchien (23615704) used
Archetypes that Sinon (01475326) used
Archetypes that Harith (57642013) used
Archetypes that Ruler (16425037) used
Archetypes that Tiểu Tinh Vệ (47130265) used
Archetypes that F a i r y (50172643) used
Archetypes that TOMO (23046517) used
Archetypes that Nhất (63572041) used
Archetypes that kiritow (50362147) used
Archetypes that gphno (70246153) used
Archetypes that AlexNVP (51742036) used
Archetypes that Arisecock (12354670) used
Archetypes that zhack (63241057) used
Archetypes that TraSuaBank (26354017) used
Archetypes that QuyCute:3 (32406175) used
Archetypes that Đình chiến (16034572) used
Archetypes that Hiruma (10736425) used
Archetypes that Mes (76304125) used
Archetypes that Búa liềm (74561320) used
Archetypes that 2cm (76241503) used
Archetypes that TOMO (61723054) used
Archetypes that KAT (76230154) used
Archetypes that Scorpius (43051267) used
Archetypes that Number02 (70142563) used
Archetypes that YLX SupDragZ (67235140) used
Archetypes that Răng (41623570) used
Archetypes that Luciely (56074123) used
Archetypes that Shiraori (27305416) used
Archetypes that SomaCruz (57234016) used
Archetypes that Galaxy (46752013) used
Archetypes that Riumheart (42750613) used
Archetypes that Kaito (26410357) used
Archetypes that CTM (14260537) used
Archetypes that V-Legend (23057614) used
Archetypes that no face (24503671) used
Archetypes that Ngannn (30261547) used
Archetypes that Asahi (72140356) used
Archetypes that steve100 (50642371) used
Archetypes that Zex Zhigang (01627435) used
Archetypes that Meotum (25647130) used
Archetypes that Zozozoe (16720345) used
Archetypes that PerryNonNớt (24035761) used
Archetypes that Nanoda (06432571) used
Archetypes that lamia (52730146) used
Archetypes that Rinn (40637251) used
Archetypes that RenTi | KiTe (70564231) used
Archetypes that Nokotan (03512647) used
Archetypes that Eva 01 (71543062) used
Archetypes that Kay YGO (63457210) used
Archetypes that Futai2902 (14720356) used
Archetypes that TheWang (20567134) used
Archetypes that Huysin (67245031) used
Archetypes that Kyh (43057126) used
Archetypes that Miyunari (35672041) used
Archetypes that Lamlee (26741305) used
Archetypes that Vietthang (13254067) used
Archetypes that de Perry (27451603) used
Archetypes that YGD_Girsu (13502764) used
Archetypes that hiyori (04523617) used
Archetypes that Brum (12647053) used
Archetypes that hadimsc (31267045) used
Archetypes that Zexall2000 (34560721) used
Archetypes that Ruka (26347015) used
Archetypes that khánh ctv (26413057) used
Archetypes that USS Sandy (75301264) used
Archetypes that GenBTye (10746352) used
Archetypes that Mahatum (12645307) used
Archetypes that Tlinhhh (25601347) used
Archetypes that Nhi (10642573) used
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